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Home News and Events The New Material with Thermo-regulated Performance to Adapt to Different Seasons

The New Material with Thermo-regulated Performance to Adapt to Different Seasons


Self-Assembly Lab from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) expressed their new research result of functional material that can be used for garments. The new material can automatically regulate the pore structure to adopt temperatures like the pores of our skins.This new material called Active Auxetic is porous material with a special diamond pore structure. It is the research achievement of Skylar Tibbits team. The material can be changed the shapes by instructions and achieve the goal of “self-assembly”.

The New Material with Thermo-regulated Performance to Adapt to Different Seasons

Self-assembly is a process to make disorder become order. All objects always point to one kind of change, generally. But objects will present various states by internal mutual influence, interference and organization during the process of self-assembly.

The New Material with Thermo-regulated Performance to Adapt to Different Seasons

The researchers from Tibbits team plan to use the concept of self-assembly in existing material, such as wood, leather and carbon fiber, and even inventing new fabric material. They hope to invest the Active Auxetic material with better property to response more quickly to temperature, humidity, light, and pressure, etc. By reshaping and reinforcing them, the researchers want to see this functional material will be used for more applications.

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